Monday 16 May 2011


Came across this BEAUTIFUL poem penned by a teacher who works with children with special needs. Talks about how parents in India give more importance to 'proper studies' than playing. Set me thinking, haven't we figured out the ways of this humongous world just by playing our way through it in our earlier years? Then why do we stop playing once we are 'big'?

Playing is no child's play, is what i think. We need to 'play' in our daily lives too. Start by putting in much more joy in everything we do. Play together, work together, as a team. Accept challenges. Encourage others around us in their low times. Take every loss as a lesson, analyse wins to learn what works. Playing teaches SO much!
The poem couldn't be more expressive about this sentiment. Read on!

Building castles out of blocks
I dream of shape and form
I wonder about balance
And how a house is born.
I stack the blocks so carefully
I keep myself quite still
I’m learning how each piece behaves
And how a space is filled.

I’m going to be an architect.
And you think I’m just playing?

Wearing Mama’s high-heeled shoes
I stand up tall and straight
I pack my briefcase on my own
And kiss the kids – I’m late!
I know they want to tag along
But Mama has to work
I’m off to court to try a case
I’m wearing Mama’s skirt.

I’m going to be a lawyer.
And you think I’m just playing?

This picture that I’m working on
Was going to be a tree
But on the way, another thought
Seemed just as good to me –
A tree of stars, each branch alight
Demanded to be drawn -
The vision from inside my heart
Appeared here on its own.

I’m going to be an artist.
And you think I’m just playing?

My students sit in tidy rows
And wait for me to speak.
Well, three are dolls, and one’s a cat
Who thinks I’m speaking Greek.
He won’t sit still or do his work
He doesn’t like to read –
For him I’ve got an IEP:
He’s got ADHD.

I’m going to be a teacher.
And you think I’m just playing?

This hole goes clear to Africa
Straight down, clean and bright
I’ve got my shovel and some forks
I’m sure my map is right.
I’ve been working here since morning
You can help me if you wish
But don’t disturb the little elves
They’ve just come off their shift.

I’m going to be an explorer.
And you think I’m just playing?

I’m busy with this puzzle
I have to fit this piece
The one that seems to have no home
No matter how I squeeze.
It seems some rules are absolute
Like square pegs and round holes
I’m learning how to work it out
I’m focused on my goals.

I’m going to be a problem-solver.
And you think I’m just playing?

Ask me what I did today –
The answer’s always “Played.”
At school, at home and on the bus –
My mind’s just built that way.
I’m a child and play’s my job
It’s what I’m meant to do –
It’s how I learn about the world
And grow to be like you!

I’m going to be a grownup.
And you think I’m just playing?

Watcha waitin fo' ? GO PLAY!  :)

Sunday 10 April 2011

Cricket : The neo-Indian God

Till last year, I had no idea what overs, wickets and spin-attacks meant.
Until I went to an IPL match with some friends (who were aware of my ignorance) and explained to me in detail (bless them!) the game, as it is.

Point in case: I cannot be called a cricket fan.

But strangely enough, as the World Cup progressed, as did conversations and newspapers, I began to watch and take note. And when the final match against Sri Lanka came around, I watched every minute of it, glued to the screen like never before and went to sleep suitably late and thrilled!

Perhaps I did not want to be left out of conversations.
Perhaps I wanted to see for myself what the fuss was all about.
Perhaps a faint spark of interest had been ignited.

This is what a World Cup triumph does: it creates new fans.
Not for me. My interest in the tournament lasted only that long.

But I doubt that is the case for thousands of others in this country, where cricket precedes even God.

Saturday 9 April 2011

Graphic Reflections

Yes yes...I know I did not stick to my promise of writing regularly. My sincere apologies (ofcourse I'm assuming there's a horde of people waiting for me to write)... :)

Graphic Design is a very funny business to get into. It teaches you how to perceive forms and colours to images of things around us.
Before long, you are imagining battles happening in the skies, just by looking at the shapes of clouds. Or better still, you can compare peoples' faces to a mashed potato, a diagonally-cut radish or even a squished plastic bottle! It makes your life that much funnier. :P
Good news is you start enjoying your own company and won't mind going anywhere unaccompanied! I used to have a phobia of getting bored if I had to go anywhere without a friend. No more! And trust me, it's very liberating! :)

(Anantjeet loves travelling and was given the rare opportunity to go on an all-expenses-paid world tour. She turned it down because she couldn't find a friend to go with her. So much for enjoying your own company!)

Saturday 12 March 2011


This is my second go at trying blogging.

My first time was way back in class eight, when i wanted it to be something like a diary, to be written in when there was no one to talk to. The inspiration came from a constantly-at-loggerheads situation with parents and other usual teenage social problems.
Well, i just came as far as creating a blogger account. Its empty since. :P

But this time, i hope i'll go all the way and write regularly, maybe once every week alteast.
The above text is all in an attempt to seal the deal. :)

See ya!